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Rabu, 20 November 2013


Written news is news delivered by text without any talks.


In connection with the implementation of the study tour to Banjarmasin, made ​​known to all students of class XI-SCIENCE SMAN 1 BANJARMASIN to converge entirely at 16.00 pm. Requested to come on time. Do not forget to bring all the equipment such as Camera, Book, Notebook, and Others etc. to document the activities of a study tour.

It is difficult to distinguish the announcement and written news

Selasa, 12 November 2013



   Weather report or weather forecast use of science and technology to predict the state of the Earth's atmosphere in the future to a certain place. The weather is predicted through application of the principles of physics and meteorology. The Weather reports are usually displayed in newspapers, television, radio and other social media.

Torrential rains that have occurred since Friday night until Thursday (20/05/2010) continues flushed the capital city of Jakarta and surrounding areas. Meteorology, Climatologi, and Geophysics (BMKG) on its website, Thursday, states, almost all of Jakarta and surrounding areas will still be rain throughout the day with a light-intensity is sometimes accompanied by heavy lightning/lightning and strong winds a short duration.

Graphs and Tables are visual representations. They are used to organise information to show patterns and relationships. Graph is a picture of the dynamics of the existing data. Beginning we have to do in reading the data on the graph is to look at the graph title and then a new view of existing data
A graph shows this information by representing it as a shape. There are three basic kinds of graphs: bar graphs, line graphs and circle graphs or pie. Meanwhile, Table is a list that contains some information in the form of words and numbers.
Researchers and scientists often use tables and graphs to report findings from their research. In newspapers, magazine articles, and on television they are often used to support an argument or point of view.

To know the purpose of a table or graph we have to understand the title, look at the parts of table/graph and read the information from table/graph carefully

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Transitions: Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Therefore, Consequently

Transitions connect the ideas between two sentence
  • Moreover, furthermore and in addtion mean also
  • Therefore and consenquently mean as a result

1.       Both gold and green kiwifruits are widely cultivated in New Zealand moreover, they’re distributed to our country.
2.       He is a smart student furthermore he is very kind-hearted
3.       The movie is so interesting in addition they made many surprise in some scenes
4.       She is so arrogant, therefore many students do not like her
5.       She was not study last night, consequently her score was bad

Still hard to distinguish between moreover / furthermore / in addition and therefore / consequently in the use of the sentence

Kamis, 07 November 2013


Adjective clause is a dependent clause which takes the place of an adjective in another clause or phrase. The goal of an adjective clause is to add more information to a noun or a pronoun

Adjective clauses begin with one of the relative pronouns such as :
1.      Who : Used for humans in subject position.
Example : The lady who teaches in Political Science department is my mentor.

2.      Whom : Used for humans in object position.
Example : The doctor whom you see in the room is my father

3.      Which : Used only for things or animals in both subject or object of the clause
Example : The dress which Melati bought was expensive

4.      That : Used for humans, animals, or things, in subject or object position (less formal than whom and which)
Example : The lion that escaped last night was captured

5.      Whose : Used to show possession/ownership of an object
Example : They know the person whose car was broken last night

6.      When : Refers to a time (in + year, in + month, on + day,...). It cannot be a subject
Example : I will never forget the day when I graduated

7.      Where : Used to describe the noun place (country, city, building, house, room, street, and so on)
Example : I love the beach where you brought me last year

Still confused to distinguish between an adjective clause and noun clause